Avoiding Spam-like Techniques When You Optimize Your mobile app development & Website

 Definition of Spam: When speaking of search engines, spam is loosely defined as any technique used to give your web page(s) an unfair ranking advantage over other pages.

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The definition is pretty vague, and thus changes depending on who you ask. For our purposes, let us add to the above definition; … anything not easily seen by the visitor (invisible text or pages that load faster than can be detected) or any automated process used to trick the search engines.

If your work can be viewed by both search engine and site visitor, reads like well written text and is not over abused, then you are OK.

Avoiding Spam-like Techniques When You Optimize Your mobile app development & Website

What Search Engines are Looking For

The Search Engines are not allowed to show obvious favoritism. So, in order to insure that the sites that deserve to be listed first are, they create rules that apply to every page on the internet and that can separate those that truly belong on top. For instance; when searching for a computer operating system the search engines need to display companies like Microsoft, Apple, Sun and IBM first so that the user gets that best return for their search. But the search engines can NOT just put who they want on top. So, they build mathematical algorithmic processes that analyze all sites the same and return values that ensure those that should be on top are.

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Since these search engine processes are automated and thus prone to error, people have found loopholes in the system and take advantage by using these loopholes when they optimize their mobile app development & Website to give their sites unwarranted positioning. As time goes on the engines add more equations to filter out these mistakes. If it appears that a site is obviously using spamming techniques they then either ignore the technique or ban the site (ouch!). Some spamming techniques require too many computer resources on the search engines end to filter out, so for now they are allowed… at least until they get more powerful computers. As of late, by banning sites that use obvious spamming techniques the engines have effectively put many SEO companies out of business.

Some Known Spamming Techniques that are Blocked

If a mobile app development & Website page is on the topic of Dalmatian Puppies, you would rightly see the phrase Dalmatian Puppies within the title of the page or site, the meta-description tag, within headings, and used throughout the page. This would all be acceptable and even encouraged. But if the title was all capital letters and repeated the phrase 4 times in succession, was used many dozens of times within a couple hundred words of text and was always highlighted or made bold, then you would be spamming.

Some other techniques to avoid when You Optimize Your mobile app development & Website:

The over-use of meta tags

Text that is the same color as the background

Graphic links that occupy a single pixel

Multiple pages that load faster than you can see

You get the idea. If your site is worded with proper well written and well sounding copywriting and nothing is hidden then you have a good page.

Convertable Contact Form Tracks the Source of Each Lead

There is a cool new tool called Convertable that you should probably check out. It automatically tracks the source of every single web lead submitted through a contact form so you can then track the lead all the way through the end of the sales cycle. There is also a Convertable WordPress plugin

HubSpot just released a Free eBook entitled “17 Myths About SEO.” This is the first step I would recommend taking in learning how to optimize your mobile app development & Website in today’s world.


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