Latent Semantic Indexing or Silo Structures

 Never have I seen so much confusion explaining such a simple process. The Siloing methods are even referred to as “Advanced SEO” tactics by many in the industry. Well, you be the judge as to the complexity of this method.

Simply put, divide the content of your mobile app development & Website up into subjects. Name folders based on each subject with a main definition page explaining a subject in each appropriate folder; a folder index page. Now, have that definition page link to more pages in its folder that further describe that subject and have each of these pages link to its main definition page and the site index. Voila, Siloing.

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If your mobile app development & Website has extremely differing subject content then build the site with sub-domains for each of these VERY different subjects. Or rather, have different sites with good domain names if your subjects are that different from each other. Remember though that each sub-domain is treated as a different site so only go this route IF you have hundreds of pages of content for each sub-domain as each has to stand on its own with the search engines.

Latent Semantic Indexing or Silo Structures

Skip this paragraph unless you really know a lot about SEO and HTML and such… For those that were interested in SEO tactics when Google was still primarily using PageRank as their main defining algorithm, you might remember the ranking calculator; This calculator was used to define PageRank per page and per site based on internal page and external site linking. Using this calculator we can tweak the internal linking structure of our site so that the pages we want can rank the way we want them to based on the total rank that a site possesses and its number of pages. Granted this can get more complex, so only consider investigating the calculator if you want to go crazy and micro-manage your individual page ranking which would be using technology that Google NO longer uses as their main ranking algorithm; meaning that it will probably be a waste of time to use. Doing the above (as in above this paragraph) will probably be more than enough for implementing Siloing.

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In years past the issue found, and thus the need for Siloing, was that the search engines had trouble defining the overall purpose or subject of a mobile app development & Website, and in some very unique cases they may still have trouble. The search engines have become much smarter over the years though so using the sub-domain methods will probably be over kill. If you are looking at rebuilding your mobile app development & Website to use the sub-domain method you may even run the risk of each sub-domain being put into Google’s sand box as sub-domains are treated as separate sites. Here again Google is getting smarter and starting to relate sub-domains to each other, but there are still oddities in Google’s cross relating. As an example, consider Amazon and Microsoft’s mobile app development & Websites. They get away with a lot of differing subjects with little to no Siloing and the search engines do fine with these sites.

As is the case with everything, you can overdo Siloing. An example would be using too many folder depths or not having enough pages for a given sub-domain.

Good organization is key, as is NOT overdoing optimization.


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